viernes, 13 de mayo de 2022

THE VICTORY OF Gustavo PETRO, THE RENAISSANCE OF THE GREAT COLOMBIA and the end of the backyard countries?

The victory of former guerrilla Gustavo Pietro, Colombia, like the victory of former guerrilla José Mujica in Uruguay, signifies the triumph of reason over force in Latin America.

Both were guerrillas, they risked their lives to change the lacerating reality of their countries, where the parasitic right of the United States had turned our countries into suppliers of raw materials and cheap labor, continuing with centuries of doing the same since the discovery of America.

But in Uruguay the change was possible thanks to Hugo Chavez, who helped finance the electoral campaigns of the leftist movements in Latin America, who supported Cuba and Nicaragua, the two countries that have been at war for decades with the United States, without being able to be defeated and the worst within your backyard.

The war that Cuba and Nicaragua maintain against the United States is because, with the protection of the United States, for 200 years the rich, exploitative, evil and infamous families of our countries, the prostituted soldiers and policemen, many of whom were trained to be executioners and murderers of the defenseless and innocent in their countries, in the School of the Americas, by the North Americans in Panama, the owners of the media and universities were, are the owners of the lives of the inhabitants of our countries, of their wealth, lands , mines, plantations, factories, and governments are the biggest beneficiaries of international loans and indebtedness, of American transnational companies, which have made everything from laws, to setting up governments or wars, to continue this degradation of nature and human beings in our countries, quite the opposite of what happened in Europe, Japan or Korea, where the Americans revived devastated countries and turned them into powerful economic relations.

Cuba proposes in its revolution that Cubans have the right to free education, health, housing, the possibility of working without suffering from unemployment, through what is called full employment, which sometimes means working in what they do not like or studied, but it's better than being on the street ready to kill or steal because of hunger and urgent needs.

  But the United States is trying to avoid this, for which it has maintained a blockade against that country until today, which cannot use North American technology, inventions, products, complicates the sale of what Cuba produces, and its ability to exert pressure is such that it has been able to affect much stronger economies with blockades than those of Cuba, Nicaragua or Venezuela, such as those of China and now Russia. this makes us see them as heroes, brave, courageous rebels, because resisting so much is not possible for other countries in history, and like Christ, who endured until his death the tortures of the Romans and Jews, showing that it was possible to defeat to a powerful, with something that is not weapons and violence, but with memory, of courage, which leaves the powerful as an evil, as one day 300 Spartans did against the enormous Persian army.

The real reason why Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela are experiencing an economic and media war with the United States is because these countries do not allow elections and the power of the media, as the inventor of the electoral democracy that we live in the other countries wants. Latin American countries, which in the United States works but in Latin America, allows any whippersnapper to be president, it is enough that he declares himself an ally of the USA, which allows him, as in the case of Ecuador, to have military bases, control of the police , the army and justice, that there be a free press, that is, that the owners of the big media, which in turn are affiliated with communication unions, where the stars are the big US media, do the same as their houses Pharmaceutical companies seduce the owners of the media, as the laboratories seduce doctors, and turn them into clients, loyal to even addicts to the United States.

The bad thing about not being a loyal and devoted pro-American government is that in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, the rulers are the owners of the political party that supports them, who do not have an expiration date for their government, they are supported by a military and police officer who ends up being an oppressor of his own people, where only ladinos, henchmen, lackeys and serviles can be in public office, that to differ with the ruler is to risk one's life. It is a fact that being allies of the USSR, where communism was a failure, and now of Russia, which is about to become the last white empire in Europe, since its defeat against Ukraine is written day by day, is not a defeat military, but a moral defeat of its own people.

Today the enemy of Russia is a country that speaks Russian and Ukrainian, they are the same race, religion, history, together they have defeated the Mongols, Napoleon, Hitler. Russia has taught Ukraine everything from how to speak Russian to how to build atomic bombs.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine reminds us of the internal wars between indigenous people, which allowed the conquerors, or the settlers to conquer and appropriate America, allowed the United States to appropriate Latin American countries, it is enough that we remember the wars between Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela and Peru, where the United States sold weapons to Peru to attack Ecuador, and seize the Galapagos Islands, since 1941, also gave weapons to liberals and conservatives for the endless war that Colombia is experiencing until now, for this reason, it manages the armies , police and justice in our countries, has military bases in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. It was from the 20th century, for decades owner of the oil of Venezuela, or Ecuador and the Rubber of Peru, of the copper of Chile, all this thanks to the border conflicts, between us, that each year encourages, that until now are fought, through the so-called War on Drugs.

Today, the United States uses in Ukraine the same strategy that it used to control Latin American countries and end the Spanish Empire. He supports the Ukraine against Russia, as he supported one or another Indian tribe in the Wild West, or the Cubans against the Spanish, or the Texans against the Mexicans. Use the same strategy that Pizarro or Cortez used to conquer the Incas or Aztecs, this is to make the dissident Indians fight and then subdue the allies and enemies.

Petro's victory is the first step for the rebirth of Gran Colombia, this is a free trade zone between Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela, for which only the crossed death in Ecuador is needed, to remove President Guillermo Laso, which is something that can happen, if it does not fall due to the protests, the uncontrollable poverty or the oversized violence that Ecuador is experiencing. Even so, the simple integration between Venezuela and Colombia, already give way to a powerful South American economy. Ecuador. Colombia and Venezuela, live circulation of people that is less complicated than the rest of South America, they share refugees, neighboring countries and at the same time shelters when the other country is in crisis

Consequently, a Petro victory means that the United States, which has had the worst health crisis in the world, due to the number of dead and sick, and the economic and media cost that this has had, has to resurrect its economy and sources of work. , from a critical point, but also, waging war in Ukraine against the worst of all enemies, Russia, has six Backyard countries, in economic collapse, has no financial resources available to help them, must divert funds to Ukraine and the Ukrainian refugees, faces the consequences of climate change, which in this country has a greater economic impact than in others, since any fire, frost, flood or tornado produces millionaire losses, it must carry out an arms and space race with Russia, China, and other countries, it must support the NATO army, supply the armies of allied countries, especially in Latin America, it must maintain 700 military bases in the world and the largest and most expensive army in history, has to prevent the countries of Latin America from leaving the Backyard, which would seem like a miracle, or is already impossible.Putin, who is leading his country, the Russian Federation, to the final defeat of this country, which is barely 30 years old.

  The Russian Federation turned out to be the worst ally than Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela to defeat the United States. Although Putin was victorious and signed a peace agreement, having attacked his own people, who are the Ukrainians, has opened the doors of his tomb in history, since it was a treacherous attack, with treacherous premeditation and advantage, a cowardly attack, which shames the history of his country. He stupidly fell into the trap of NATO who wanted precisely that to create an economic community that goes from Lisbon in the Atlantic to Vladivostok in the Pacific.

But unfortunately Putin's defeat also means the defeat of China, which fears the expansion of NATO, but it is also a defeat for the United States, because the European Economic Community plus Russia, which is what is coming because they have realized when they need that country, they become the main competitors of AUKCUS, the economic community of Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States. This means that the Europeans will try to free themselves from the tutelage of the United States, which since the Second World War, is based on the enmity of Western Europe with the former USSR, now with the Russian Federation.

While Colombia and Venezuela will become a single country, if Petro wins, and Maduro remains in power. This creates the most powerful country in South America, with abundant natural resources, raw materials that are more expensive every day and will be more so in the future, but above all, access to the Pacific and the Atlantic of South America, which was what made Colombia a The country most subservient to the United States is South America. Keeping Colombia as the main US ally in South America was the key to building and managing the Panama Canal, creating the school of dictators and executioners called the School of the Americas, and above all to prevent the existence or rebirth of the Great Colombia. , it has been to prevent UNASUR, the Union of South American Nations, from prospering, to confront the anti-UNASUR, called PROSUR, to carry out the War on Narcoterrorism, which is now what allows the military bases in Ecuador, Colombia and Peru, as well as control of its justice, police and army, as well as the big media, which are at the service of the State Department, the DEA, the CIA, the Pentagon, and now the Department of Justice.

Petro's victory is the first step for the rebirth of Gran Colombia, this is a free trade zone between Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela, for which only the crossed death in Ecuador is needed, to remove President Guillermo Laso, which is something that can happen, if it does not fall due to the protests, the uncontrollable poverty or the oversized violence that Ecuador is experiencing. Even so, the simple integration between Venezuela and Colombia, already give way to a powerful South American economy. Ecuador. Colombia and Venezuela, live circulation of people that is less complicated than the rest of South America, they share refugees, neighboring countries and at the same time shelters when the other country is in crisis

Consequently, a Petro victory means that the United States, which has had the worst health crisis in the world, due to the number of dead and sick, and the economic and media cost that this has had, has to resurrect its economy and sources of work. , from a critical point, but also, waging war in Ukraine against the worst of all enemies, Russia, has six Backyard countries, in economic collapse, has no financial resources available to help them, must divert funds to Ukraine and the Ukrainian refugees, faces the consequences of climate change, which in this country has a greater economic impact than in others, since any fire, frost, flood or tornado produces millionaire losses, it must carry out an arms and space race with Russia, China, and other countries, it must support the NATO army, supply the armies of allied countries, especially in Latin America, it must maintain 700 military bases in the world and the largest and most expensive army in history, has to prevent the countries of Latin America from leaving the Backyard, which would seem like a miracle, or is already impossible.

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