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domingo, 8 de mayo de 2022
The development of consciousness and the collective unconscious in Ecuador
I will begin by pointing out that there is the collective consciousness, the collective unconscious, and various forms of human collectivity.
What allows us to recognize the existence of collective consciousness is the development of knowledge, the media, education, the use of languages, reasoning, the way of dealing with doubts, and finally habits as the basis of behavior.
What allows us to recognize the existence of a collective unconsciousness is fundamentally the reaction to fear, death, illness, surprise, emotions, coexistence with ignorance, geography, nature, faith, fantastic imagination, and above all the existence of gods, of supernatural beings, of miracles.
We can easily recognize the existence of groups that may or may not be conflictive, based on solidarity, distribution of wealth, tolerance of poverty, security, the responsibility assumed by members, the degree of communication that exists between them. , and above all to their collective memory, generally stored in artificial media, such as books, videos, records, the Internet, libraries, etc.
In Ecuador, consciousness, the unconscious, and communities have a very close relationship with geography, since the country has coastal plains facing the Pacific Ocean, where the El Niño and Humboldt currents, which have a regular cycle each year, become La Niña, which is an increase in the flow of the warm current preceded by droughts due to the fact that the Humboldt current penetrates more into the Northern Hemisphere or the Niño current, descends more in the Southern Hemisphere.
The presence of floods, until now, produces effects on the communities of the Coast, because it destroys roads, plantations, and boundaries, which multiplies poverty and land conflicts, which lead to armed clashes between neighbors, which have been resolved for centuries with the murder. On the contrary, the droughts that La Niña generally brings, forces the sale of cattle, animals, the abandonment of the land because everything dies, causing migratory waves.
The plains and the climate of the coast allow plantations, large areas of land where export agro-industry has been developed such as coffee, cocoa, bananas, African palm, shrimp, or fishing. In turn, urban development starts from ports such as Guayaquil, or the river ports, which have become large cities, but with a disorderly growth, where slums and invasions appear frequently.
These slums lack everything, especially water, sewage, garbage collection, they live in overcrowding, which since the 16th century has turned them into sources of infection and violence. The heat forces the population to live more time outside the house than inside it, which means that communities have more social life than family life.
These communities have periods of boom and decline very marked, since before the arrival of the Spanish conquerors, pirates and African slaves. Until before independence from Spain, its existence was closely controlled by the Viceroyalty of Lima, since the ships that carried silver from Potosí to the Philippines were manufactured here for the emperor of China, who became the main export of South America after from which gold had its great moment. On the other hand, the export of sugar, and alcohol, had less importance than in the Caribbean posts, but since the 17th century, blacks were brought to the Andes and the Coast to produce sugar.
With the arrival of independence, the sugar plantations were the first to be developed, especially for domestic supply, especially of alcohol, the European drug that replaced coca, which was the drug of the Incas and became the main mechanism non-violent conquest of the Spanish, since the indigenous peoples were converted into Catholics and at the same time into alcoholics, since the consumption of alcohol, the mass and the dance, was the center of the religious and non-religious festivals. In the Sierra, alcoholism had different collective behaviors that were based above all on the oppression and domestic violence of men on women and children, which today we call machismo. On the Coast, on the other hand, alcohol encouraged fights between men, domestic violence, because there was more time outside than inside the house, especially among fishermen or plantation workers, who were even migrants from distant places or who were passing through and where the locals wanted to protect their women from the whims of outsiders.
The Coast, unlike the Sierra, always had fewer inhabitants, but they were taller, stocky, athletic, brave, warlike, and individualistic. This was the product of floods, droughts or economic booms, turning them into semi-nomads, even prostitution became a semi-nomadic profession, as women travel to distant places to work in brothels, and return home with the money. for his family, which is usually left to the grandparents. On the coast there was also a greater racial mix and thus fewer genetic defects. This racial mixture was not only between indigenous people and whites, but with blacks, or with foreigners who arrived by land, sea and now even by air. The women's preference for outsiders was due to the fact that they had immunological defenses against pests, and the mestizo or mulatto children lived longer than those who were pure, in a time when old age, food and health depended of children and grandchildren, of your company, job, and income. This dependence of the family on relatives is what now motivates young people to risk their lives to earn money at any cost, even murdering.
In the Sierra, the consciousness, the unconscious and the human groups had another development, where the mountains, the volcanic eruptions, the earthquakes, were the greatest danger. Being mountains in the middle of the world is also important because there are 12 hours of sunshine throughout the year, and when it is summer in the north, it is winter in the south, so it is possible to have fruits and harvests all year round. The indigenous people have a strong influence from the Incas, the Amazonian aborigines of their own ethnic groups, and from the Catholic Church. For 300 years, the hacienda and the town were the center of human life. In the haciendas, the patron built his private paradise, in which the Indians were part of the property. Slavery was prohibited, except for blacks, but the Indians, who were called peons, were obliged to give up everything from their daughters' virginity to chicken eggs or their lives in armed conflicts. The new order established by the haciendas in the use of physical space produced malnutrition, goiter, endemic cretinism, which resulted in short stature, slow speech, motor clumsiness when walking. Like the coast, the plagues that the Spanish brought were deadly, but in the Sierra they were less lethal, the survivors of plagues, such as measles, smallpox, leprosy, polio, tuberculosis and the malnourished with iodine deficiency and proteins, caused the indigenous and poor mestizo population to be filled with chronic patients, these in turn transmitted genetic defects, since life on the farm made parents and close relatives have children with their daughters or nieces, also in Europe , the kings married between relatives to preserve the purity of the blood. Even the white Spaniards, who were relatively few in relation to the indigenous population, in order to preserve racial traits, married relatives, making popular the saying that the cousin with the leg, inbreeding became a health problem, the surnames became the main heritage of the parents, became the family genetic defects.
Consequently, genetic, mental, and socio-cultural defects, such as religious fanaticism, flourished in the Sierra, giving way to deterioration, especially physical. But thanks to the lower mortality than in the Coast and the Amazon, to the lack of contraceptive methods, to the prohibition of abortion, the population of the Sierra was always greater than that of the Coast and also the chronically ill, and being a population more submissive, less violent, than that of the Coast, the church educated them in particular to be pawns, or construction workers, because unlike the Coast, the cities, that is to say the town, were the axis of the Spanish occupation of the Andean spaces, along the roads that the Inca had created. In the towns, cretins due to hypothyroidism were endemic until 1980, when Dr. Rodrigo Fierro, an endocrinologist, introduced iodized salt into the diet. These cretins were the best servants in the markets and cities, because they loaded, grazed animals, brought water or firewood to the houses, they were content with almost nothing, they were animals that understood Spanish.
In the Sierra and Amazon, unlike the Coast, collective consciousness depended on the preservation of indigenous languages and culture, in the middle class, and mestizos, on the practice of religion, while on the Coast. Conversely. the collective consciousness depended more on the assimilation of the new, of social life, sports, entertainment, waste, vanity, pleasures, money.
The War of Independence changed the collective unconscious from the peon and landowner to a citizen, professional or businessman. The difference between a pawn and a citizen is that the pawn, until now, obeys a patron and the patron can ask him for anything. until his life, as is the practice of the drug cartel bosses, in which the bosses call themselves patrons, including Pablo Escobar is known as the Patron of Evil. Citizen, on the other hand, became the person with duties and right. given by the constitution and the laws of a country, and the president or government in turn that gives them or takes them away, without any obligation to comply with the laws of any religion or foreign monarch.
The new order that established the Wars of Independence is called the republican order, that is, the legislative, executive, and judicial powers are independent of each other. This was possible because in Europe, the absolutist kings, who did not want to share power with the Catholic Church, and have total control, multiplied. Then in Spain, Carlos III, declared himself absolutist, expelled the Jesuits, who were the backbone of the Spanish Empire. The Church then allied itself with their archenemies, the Masons, and waged wars to liberate the Spanish colonies, which immediately, once free, brought the Jesuits back to America. With independence, the ex-colonies did not owe obedience to the king, but to the Pope. Our countries signed the Concordat, an agreement with the Vatican, not to allow other religions in Hispanic America, only the Catholic Religion, in addition, health and education would be in charge of the Church, divorce, abortion, planning family, extramarital relationships, equality between men and women, women's work that was not in domestic service or agriculture, etc.
In the Sierra and the Amazon, this was followed to the letter, but not on the Coast. This was because the English. who financed our war of independence, asked how I pay for the control and management of the ports, where the Commercial House of the West Indies was the mistress and owner. In places under the control of the English, such as the Port of Guayaquil, the presence of the Catholic Church was reduced, as was the case along the entire coast. But after the liberal revolution, in 1898, this changed, the North American influence increased, but only after the so-called war against communism, other religions were allowed in the fields, the arrival of the Peace Corps, the Evangelical Missions, and the Linguistic Institute de Verano, who came to stop Liberation Theology, or the church of the poor, which was expanding throughout Latin America, together with the leftist revolutionaries.
In the Spanish colonies, the existence of banks was not allowed, since usury was considered a sin, but usurers were everywhere, however it was an illegal activity. With the arrival of the English in the ports, the banks and moneylenders acquired legal status. Bankers who were at the same time merchants, lenders and exporters of raw materials, became the richest on the Coast.
The large landowners of the Coast, the bankers, the merchants, were fed up with the so-called absorbent centralism of Quito. This city imposed laws, prosecuted them, especially those who practiced usury, or banking pioneers, persecuted them. The entire army, including the naval force, was in the hands of mountain rangers, as it has been up to now.
Fed up and with enough money from the Ecuadorian cocoa boom in Europe, they armed their peons and started the Liberal Revolution. The objective was to separate the Catholic Church, which controlled education, the army, health from the government, through laws, and morality, which with Gabriel García Moreno, a Guayaquil president, reached the maximum of its power, thanks to the return of The jesuits.
Today, as at that time, the bad guys were the coastal ones, who were the fundamental members of the liberal troops, who were called priest-eaters.
Today, we live again this regionalist war, when the inhabitants of the Coast, have a demographic explosion, thanks to the revolution of antibiotics, vaccines and rural medical care, which occurs after the Second World War, of poverty thanks to thanks to the multiplication of needs, to indebtedness, labor instability, to the export of drugs, especially cocaine, which is the Latin American export product that is most in demand and has the best prices on the international market, as one day it had gold, silver, quinine, tobacco, sugar and alcohol, cocoa, bananas, oil, shrimp and flowers from Ecuador.
The curious thing is that the president of Ecuador, who has a Serrano surname, since his father was an emigrant to the Coast, is a Guayaquil banker, money launderer through companies in tax havens, who leads a fierce fight against drug trafficking and violent hitmen or drug traffickers, many of whom use banks and investments in the country to launder drug dollars, thanks to dollarization, which in 1999, he sponsored together with President Jamil Mahuad, which curbed an inflationary stampede, and a wave of migration that has already he is 22 years old. The cartels have taken over prisons, cities and ports, especially on the coast. Today, soldiers and police from the mountains invade that geographical space, with international advice from the DEA, the United States Army, which has two bases in Ecuador, one in Manta and another in Galapagos, and which has placed 200,000 in the custody of that country. km2 in the Pacific Ocean, peripheral to Galapagos, including these islands.
At the moment, Ecuador is experiencing the worst wave of violence, another great migratory wave, the pandemic, the economic crisis and drug trafficking simultaneously.
The conflict between Ukraine, Russia and NATO has improved revenues from Ecuadorian oil for the government, but corruption, which in Latin America has taken on colossal dimensions, has turned export revenues, international loans, oil revenues, charges public, taxes, for the capture of drugs and goods from drug traffickers, informality, illegality, vaccines, medicines, hospitals, justice, elections, emigration, money laundering, pyramid loans, prisons, the neighborhoods, the ports, into political loot. The police, military, prosecutors, judges, even parties, or social organizations have become legally recognized cartels. This is produced from the revival of traditional Ecuadorian justice, managed by the media and focused on political persecution, which has once again become one of the most corrupt in the world, since from the moment students go to university, they learn how to cheat laws and how to cheat laws.
The Amazon now has influence through the indigenous movement, where they are the ones who propose the use of civil violence in street protests, as a pressure mechanism, but their ultimate goals are to occupy public positions by their leaders, to get the most personal benefit of these positions, beginning with that of professor, up to the presidency of the National Assembly.
The problem of regionalism is today the main problem of the collective unconscious in Ecuador, since it is about the coexistence of two cultures, races, languages, religious practices, ways of working, having fun, sharing, living together, which this pandemic has complicated.
The war in Europe, and the war on drug trafficking, a war waged by the United States in Ecuador, against the Latin American drug cartels, which it has filled with coastal prisoners in prisons, together with the allies of Rafael Correa, where there are no correistas from the mountains in prison, but from the coast, like his vice president Jorge Glas. The fact that Lenin Moreno and the highlanders of Alianza País, the party that Correa founded, have been the main traitors, aggravates the problem of regionalism.
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