martes, 5 de octubre de 2021

How did Guillermo Lasso and other presidents turn us into useful fools?

The particularity of Ecuador is that it is a country with short-term governments, that is why we have had 120 governments in 200 years of republican history, while the United States has had 46 in 250.

In addition, in the elections and the presidents of Ecuador, from when they are candidates to when they finish their mandate, their work or fundamental objective has been to turn the inhabitants of the country into useful fools.

But the most curious thing is that presidents of Ecuador, such as Rafael Correa, who have numerous recognitions as an intelligent and brilliant person, by the best universities in the world, who have even given him titles of Professor Honoris Causa, or emerita ended up being a useful fool. , of an individual who was his antithesis in all respects, he was stupid, semi-literate, graduated in business administration, because he failed in Medicine and Psychology, but thanks to his paralysis, he developed extraordinary capacities to lie, cheat and betray.

But Correa was not only the useful fool of his vice president for 6 years, whom he later named his representative to the UN, but he was also the 50 of the 75 assembly members who betrayed him and who won the elections using his name, image, and management. government for 10 years.

Today we Ecuadorians are the useful fools of a banker, who stole from us in the government of Jamil Mahuad, where it was the super-minister of Economy, the one who bought the paperwork delivered by the Noboa government, the coastal vice president who succeeded Mahuad, who was Serrano and compadres in the cabinet of that government. Those papers were the promises of payment to the depositors of the banks that closed and their owners fled, with the money of their clients. . The government promised to return the savings, if one day they managed to recover some of that money, seizing the assets of the bankers. Those papers were bought from the desperate Ecuadorians for almost nothing, by the current president of Ecuador Guillermo Lasso, and later collected in the government of Colonel Lucio Gutiérrez, who not only paid him at face value, but also appointed him an itinerant ambassador from Ecuador, paying him luxuries and pleasures, so that he travels the world tying up businesses, and doing OFFSHORE companies in Panama or the United States, in which he hid that money earned in an opportunistic and tricky way. Then he named these dirty money laundering companies in the name of his family, friends, and front men, in order to be a candidate for the presidency of Ecuador in 2017.

 These companies, from their creation until now, serve to launder their ill-gotten, dirty money that did not pay taxes, that no one knows its origin, and that remains hidden, just like the money in Lenín Moreno's accounts in Panama and Switzerland, which he also invested in offshore companies that the Lasso government refuses to investigate.

The difference between the Ecuadorians' vote for Lenín Moreno and Lasso is that no one really knew who that scoundrel Lenín was. because he had camouflaged himself very well. On the other hand, all Ecuadorians knew who Guillermo Lasso was, it was known that he was an opportunist, cheater, usurer, mischievous, cunning, and audacious, that he had bad blood, that he was bad, but nevertheless, the Ecuadorians voted for him.

Lasso, to reach the second round or ballot in the elections of this year 2020. He cheated, took the position of finalist from Yaku Pérez, avoiding at all costs the recount of votes, thanks to maneuvers by Lenín Moreno, the ambassador of the United States, the owners of the mass media and the CNE, which together with the Council of the Judiciary, prevented Correa's participation as a candidate for vice president, and prevented the recount of votes in the first round.

In the ballot, the vote count was not even questioned, despite the fact that in the first round, there were enough doubts to justify a recount. Araúz, Correa's candidate, resigned, did not question the vote, so Lasso is now president.

  The Ecuadorians who in these days have re-discovered the ilk of Lasso, thanks to the PANDORA PAPERS, have once again seen how in Ecuador, the presidents turn us into useful fools after each election, to allow them to plunder our natural resources, celebrate public offices, scholarships, disability cards, hospitals, government purchases, international credits, embassies, taxes, salaries, etc., etc.

In the end, the same old ones continue, or return to the tit of the government, with or without Rafael Correa.

We have doubts as to whether it is possible after 200 years in which the electoral system that we have has turned us into useful fools, whether or not it is necessary to change it or to change the educational model of Ecuador, or the role of the media. that they are a great factory of opportunists, acquaintances, traitors, rogues, cunning, cynics, traitors, liars, and above all of the useful fools.


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