domingo, 24 de octubre de 2021

Lasso, tax evaders, drug traffickers, hit men tremble with the Pandora Papers and the crime of Alex Quiñones

 Vice President Borrero must already be imagining what he is going to do as Ecuador's interim president when the foreseeable anticipated end of Guillermo Lasso's government smells of rottenness.

The National Assembly is carrying out an investigation of his accounts and companies in tax havens, which prevented him from being a candidate and now prevent him from continuing as president, according to the laws of Ecuador, which indicate the immediate dismissal if that is proven.

The death of the best Olympic sprinter in the country shows us that his government cannot stop the violence in Ecuador that is already out of control, despite the state of exception throughout the country, and in prisons. In Guayaquil the deaths in the penitentiary continue, 11 new dead hanged have appeared

Today the indigenous people are already arriving to protest, in reality, they are showing their power of convocation and mobilization before an economically and morally very weak government, which has not been able to stop the economic deterioration that the country is experiencing, multiplication of violence. , drug trafficking, begging, and mass emigration.

There is no doubt that after the government of Rafael Correa, the country fell into the hands of liars and traitors, such as Lenín Moreno, and then into the hands of opportunists and cheats, thanks to the forgetful, who forgot the bank holiday where Lasso was one of The key players in that debacle, which fractured the country, forced them to adopt the dollar and leave Ecuador, in the worst emigration wave of Ecuadorians in history.

Today Ecuador is in the hands of state bureaucrats, military, police, informal, unemployed, bankrupt, indebted, hitmen, drug traffickers, traffickers of everything, smugglers, and especially tax evaders, like the current president Guillermo Lasso.

We are one of the cocaine-exporting countries, a factory of hitmen, drug traffickers, thieves, liars, cheats, tax evaders, emigrants, the disabled, and the forgetful, to the point that the disabled, the cheaters. tax evaders and liars have become political power, including presidents and the forgetful in those who vote for them.

In the near future, it is very possible that drug dealers or traffickers will become power as in Honduras, Colombia, or Mexico, now they already own prisons, neighborhoods, and ports.

Guayaquil, the birthplace of the current president, is a hell on Earth, from where the pandemic, violence, and cruelty have taken on colossal dimensions, visible to everyone.

This marks the end of the current mayor Viteri, who has not known what to do in these dramas. and Guillermo Lasso who by reducing the role of the State, has ended up creating a repressive and hateful state, where bureaucrats, the military, and the police swallow what taxes, public services, exports produce, and oppress the Ecuadorians, along with the millionaires who in this crisis pandemic have multiplied their wealth or their power and influence.

In the United States, being a tax evader is, since the mobster Al Capone, the worst crime. We do not understand how that country can support as president someone who in his country would be a criminal and in this pandemic with the crisis they have multiplied their wealth or their power and influence.

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