lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2020

How do political parties form, think and act in Ecuador and Latin America?

 In theory, the parties since the republican governments exist in America are based on ideologies.

The ideologies have basically been pro-capitalist pro-communist, pro-socialist and independent, conservative that are religious fanatics or center

The idea that has prevailed in the American Continent has been to avoid the monopoly or predominance of an ideology, it has been tried that there are multiple parties and candidates, but in Cuba this has not been possible, there are the Cuban communist party and there are no others that participate in the same conditions on the island. This responds to the fact that it is a country at war with the United States, which since 1901 has wanted to impose its governments and almost all Latin American countries through so-called interventionism.

In the rest of the countries. in general, there is a struggle between the parties of the rich, with the parties of the unions or unions, and with the parties of the caudillos.

In each party a structure or organization is created, in which the owners of the parties are often at the helm, who may be the one who finances it, such as Guillermo Lasso in the CREO party of Ecuador, or a leader like Lenín Moreno in Alianza País., Or a party administrator, when the party is a party for hire, or a candidate hunting party, which operates as a promotion and sales agency for the candidate, which in this case is Abdalá Bucaram's party, or even Centro Democratic that sponsors Araúz,

But there are also religious parties that defend the so-called Christian Faiths, which are evangelicals, Mormons, Pentecostals, Adventists, Seventh-day, etc., and they are also Catholics.

In all parties, an attempt is made to have eligible cadres or persons for the positions by popular election that are in dispute. These cadres or candidates are chosen from among the most prominent, who may be the most violent in the protests, as in Pachacutec, which Yacu Pérez was chosen as violent, the most brilliant as happened in the election of Rafael Correa, when Alianza País was beginning , or the most henchmen, ladinos, or courtiers, that is, among those who court the owners of the party, or their leader, and the courtship can include friendship, sympathy, contribute money, contribute votes, even sex, seduction and charm.

In games, we try to find people who have what is called charisma or attractiveness, but this charisma can be real or personal, it can be unreal or virtual, which is what is achieved with advertising, or because of their authoritarian and self-sufficient positions, to make the rest of the party believe that he is the one predestined by God to save the Homeland, like Álvaro Noboa, but there is no shortage of those who have sympathy, because they know how to handle human relationships, they seem wise, they think they are enlightened or those who seduce the masses in any way. Being a candidate is a fight full of intrigue, secrets, ties, and thousands of other tricks.

But the candidates also have to present evidence of their merits, virtues, experience, or achievements, which is what the publicity of the campaign will be based on. The party has as a letter of presentation, for a government plan that is supported and agreed with all the members and candidates, supposedly.

The proposals differ between them because some present false proposals that are never going to be fulfilled, as Lenín Moreno did, others, possible proposals, which can be met if there are favorable conditions, other credible proposals, and others advertising proposals, which are those that people supposedly want to hear, according to the campaign manager or political marketologist.

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