martes, 1 de diciembre de 2020

Thus, the dead, the sick and the pandemic changed us and continue to change us

 The pandemic, the dead and the sick changed us. The present, which is the pandemic, showed us that we are susceptible and left us susceptible. We had come to believe that the increase in life expectancy at birth in the world was proof that neither nature nor the gods were more than human beings.

Today thanks to the plague, we realize that we stopped being healthy to become chronically ill, and that life became a chronic disease, which begins with addictions and ends in disabilities, which in turn become new forms of torture or in appendices of machines.

Today, the world is experiencing a health crisis that began long ago, when diseases became extremely profitable businesses. Then they stopped extracting teeth and replacing them with prostheses, and they were cured, so that they appear normal for a longer time, until a new consultation and that patients end up being addicted to the doctor and the drugs.

The past that we have lived in humanity, was turning diseases into means of conquest and colonization, in advertising, in

politics. And finally the industry, to which the miracles of modern medicine are owed, also became the most immoral business, so much so, that it is the second largest after the war and is larger than drug trafficking, but In the pandemic, medicine became the most important thing in the modern economy, visible in the manufacture of vaccines.

But in addition to this revolutionary change in health, we are facing radical changes in the economy, which start from unemployment and lead us to new ways of working, studying, trading, and relating to each other, which occur in the midst of widespread poverty. , which hits even the United States, which now, with amazement, we see once again having people in huge lines for food, like the time of the Great Depression.

We are tormented by poverty that is turning into internal violence in poor countries, into racial violence, xenophobia and aporophobia (hatred of the poor), in the richest countries, which put at risk these 7 decades of invention and construction of the peace, which all the countries of the world do.

The pandemic forces us to review the past, but this time with different eyes, and in doing so, the rulers, the governments, the parties, the forms of election, are questioned and the ways of seeing the most capable, of seeing the unable, apparently almost everything changed.

Today the way to recognize smart fools, wise stupid, delicate clumsy, real traitors, honest from rogues, men, women or LGTB, loyal from traitors, honest from corrupt, machismo, feminism, racism, the indigenous, Afro, mestizo, white, Asian, Arab, foreign, national, there is even a different vision of old and young.

Ideologies become the link between hope and misuse of resources. Government translates into trust. Marketing and negotiations come to mediate between hopes, candidates, and laws, work is in the mouth of politicians like teeth, and as the center of a new quality of life for people and as a way of respect for life and nature.

New technology opens the doors to new democracies, where people have a choice in everything, leaving elected and non-elected officials of governments less likely to impose something.

This post-pandemic world messes up the mechanics that countries have had to choose, obey or consider their governments. We are on the edge of a worldwide confrontation against the old, as the pandemic eliminated the old humans and the old prejudices, the old laws, and the old, which cannot keep up with the new times.

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