domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2020

America: 6 minutes to understand how the elections are a sedative for the pandemic in the American Continent

 COMPLEMENTARY ANALYSIS more than a year lasted the presidential campaign in the USA since the candidates had to be nominated by the parties, the voting lasted months and the vote counting a week, this has been the largest electoral media show ever seen, only surpassed by the pandemic show, thanks to covid 19, the Internet and Donald Trump.

But the number of infected in the United States has record figures and is on the way to exceed 130,000 people a day, deaths are close to 250,000 and the pandemic returned in a second wave to Europe, while in Latin America, it is a multiplication incalculable of dead and sick.

The elections in Bolivia, Chile, and now the United States became the escape valve, the temporary sedative to a health crisis that takes on unexpected dimensions in an economic crisis that differ from one country to another, which makes it more difficult to solve them.

In America, the countries that have had elections, feel as consolation to overthrow the governments of the right such as Trump in the USA, Añez and the Bolivian right, aspire to sink Piñeras in Chile, or Martín Vizcarra in Peru, while in Brazil the federal elections aspire to see the resurrection of the Workers' Party and return to Lula as the phoenix.

In Ecuador, the registration of Correa's candidates, which was an odyssey, which makes the pandemic such a trite news that interest in it agonizes, without ceasing to cause shocks,

 Maduro aspires to demonstrate that the elections in Venezuela are and were always transparent, and the opposition to demonstrate otherwise, simply by not participating.

But in Central America, things have another nuance. Poverty now multiplied by hurricanes, floods, and migratory waves overflows across borders, creating a human tide that is ready to do anything, to escape those hells called Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador or Mexico, where poverty has evolved into violence of all.

Central America, the supplier of bananas, contras, sugar, tobacco or fruits to the United States, is now walking to tear down the Trump wall and die in North American territory, which they believe will be less ugly than dying inside or on the portal of their House.

Just as if it were about escaping from the bubonic plague in the 15th century, or from wars like the one in Syria, Central American migration escapes from bad governments, because they are corrupt, cruel, or liars, as most of those who are born are. of the stormy elections in Latin America.

This pandemic that has hit Donald Trump, Ronaldo, the best soccer player in Italy, Boris Johnson in England and that if it is up to Pope Francis, will not let him take three steps, has in the elections of the American continent a escape valve, which relieves the horrible pressure to which we are subjected.

Unlike what happens in the richest countries, here there is no sustained aid, nor the slightest possibility of reactivation, without going through anguish, hunger, misery, debts, for everything, from lack of, lack of food, hygienic services, of water even for the debts for the house, for the food to breathe.

America is preparing to be the new engine of change on the planet, as Asia was once, in the time of the Persians or Muslims, or Europe and its Christians were for 5 centuries, and the United States for two. Today a huge horde of hungry people are gathering south of the Rio Grande and the wall. The US armed forces that have 3 times more weapons than the inhabitants of the houses and the largest army in the world are preparing for that fearsome moment by seeing them arrive every day by air, sea, land, underground and even by submarines with cocaine.

There is only one way to stop this, which is the germ of a new world war, and that is by eliminating borders, bad wages and bad prices, ignorance, hunger, disease and injustice.


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