miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2020

The unstoppable deterioration of the republican system and direct and secret voting in Latin America

 COMPLEMENTARY ANALYSIS The Republic, an idea of ​​Plato that gave rise to the Greek empire, then Roman and that suffered a lot under the boot of the emperors of all empires, is about the simple division of power between a parliament and a king to avoid the so-called absolutism, which reached the peak of its madness, with Louis XIV, Peter the Great, or Catherine in Russia, Charles III in Spain or Henry VIII in England.

In America he took a different direction, he separated the power in three, that of the president, that of the congress and that of the courts of justice inspired by the French Revolution.

The president is elected from among the most well-known people, the congress admits strangers and the judicial as well as the army, is a hierarchical collegiate body, in which years of knowledge, practice and capacity tests established by those who must be fulfilled They are at the top, to find the best substitutes, finally as the generals are a perfect unknown.

But presidents in Latin America often end up as dictators or want to extend their mandate indefinitely, and they are very different before they are presidents, than they are once in power. Extending her mandate indefinitely was a temptation in 21st century Socialism and it was due to the fact that to win elections they promoted a figure that finally seemed irreplaceable or when she was replaced as in Brazil, in which Lula was replaced by Dilma, she was overthrown , or if the one who replaces him is a liar, a traitor protected by the USA like Moreno, it became political persecution.

  This led to Evo pretending to be prolonged, prompting a coup. Fortunately, Bolivia returned to the socialism of the XXI century, thanks to the fact that Evo had an ace up his sleeve, his finance minister Luis Arce and a party with a very clear structure, with an indigenous majority, not an upstart middle class like the party. de Correa, Alianza País, in which those who never had crazy people want to go back and stick in their eyes they want to get into, visible in Moreno and in the 50 traitorous assembly members. Today Correa wants to recover what has been achieved with his Citizen Revolution, through Andrés Arauz.

National congresses or assemblies in the countries also became a problem in Latin America, starting with Venezuela, where the opposition to Maduro was, and the birthplace of Juan Guaidó, who sponsored by Trump and Pompeo, nominated himself president, too, It was in Bolivia, where a congresswoman Jeanine Añez proclaimed herself president, replacing Evo Morales, with the support of Donald Trump and the OAS.

In Brazil and Peru the congresses were the managers of parliamentary coups against Dilma and Vizcarra, in Guatemala the origin of the crisis that country is currently experiencing, and in Chile, the main support of the Pinochet constitution, which is now want to delete with a new one.

The congress of Peru and Colombia, or the National Assembly of Ecuador became cover-ups for criminals, who were even accused and sentenced in many cases for serious crimes, such as drug trafficking. In Colombia it sheltered Pablo Escobar and now Uribe, in Peru there are 13 deputies accused of crimes and 60 for other crimes, in Ecuador accused of fraud, robbery, and murder, as the members of the Bucaram family and their collaborator Salcedo, now enjoy of immunity, as they are candidates for the Assembly in the next elections of 2021.

  In all Latin American countries, the candidates for congresses, many are unknown, who come to power led by a party and once in congress, they become criminals with immunity, who are distributed to hospitals and public purchases during the pandemic, as in Ecuador.

But the Achilles Heel of democracies in Latin America today is in the judiciary. Justice in our countries is in the hands of courts and judges, who are supposed to come to office on merits recognized by other judges. This is the key for the system to be so corrupt, and for justice to serve the United States above all, with the excuse of persecuting drug traffickers, as well as the police and the army, involved in the war on drug trafficking, from the 80s and now to persecute the former presidents of SXXI Socialism who hate Trump and Mike Pompeo. In Brazil, Ecuador, Argentina and Bolivia or Peru, the justice against their former presidents, this power, together with the media, became the main power of the State in these countries.

Justice is not a right in our countries, it is a privilege of those who have more money to pay lawyers, clerks, judges, of the one who committed a crime, or of the one in power, who can persecute their opponents, and is It is based on the fact that in our countries laws are made like bread and they do not get rid of old laws, which allows lawyers and judges to cheat, justice here is a game of cheats

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