lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2020

.Moreno and allies are treason, omission, delay, lie, bribery, defamation and persecution turned into a form of government and negligence in the pandemic.

 COMPLEMENTARY ANALYSIS Lenín Moreno's government has been characterized by its clumsiness in everything, a product of the physical, mental and moral incapacity of the former vice president of Rafael Correa.

While he was vice president, he had an outstanding job, mainly because he had the help of Cuban doctors who carried out the so-called Manuela Espejo Mission, to find, treat and rescue the disabled in the country, which could be due to genetic causes, acquired causes or due to physical and mental deterioration, due to old age or other pathologies.

This management, carried out successfully by Cuban doctors, was able to identify 1,400,000 people in vulnerable conditions and to whom help was provided.

But later, as Correa's delegate in Switzerland, before the UN, he began to plot a betrayal, in which María Fernanda Espinoza, Correa's delegate before the UN, was involved and who was even defense minister, his cousin Richard Espinoza, who was the official. that he handled more money, as president of the IESS board of directors, and that within Alianza País, Correa's party, created a divisionism from a group called Nueva Generación. To this high officials of Correa, the candidates for the National Assembly were added, who after May 24, led by the one who was Correa's right hand, José Serrano, his government minister, 50 of them gave the Vice Presidents Jorge Glas and Correa stab him in the back with a betrayal that continues to this day.

 Since then, in Ecuador, every civil servant tends to play dumb, that is, to ignore everything, delay solutions, works, everything. Lying unnecessarily and compulsively for everything, because there is no promise or loan, help, or anything, that is done without there being a mechanism for it to become a lying offer. Today lying is routine in every official and ally of Moreno. It begins by showing a friendly smile and ends with yes but ......, I even use the lie to denounce that Correa was spying on him, or to give any credit, the lie came hidden in wrapping paper, it is a compulsive need of the president and routine of all public officials of his government, who invent any detail to the second, so that what is promised or announced is not fulfilled. With lies he put down the October protests and during the pandemic the lie had such magnitude that the Statistics and Census office became an office attached to the presidency to hide the scandalous death and sickness figures.

 Correa and his most loyal or close collaborators were sentenced by means of a bribery trial, but Moreno accepted bribes since he was vice president and hid them in an account of the Balboa Bank of Panama, which the prosecutor has delayed the investigation until now. three years late. Delaying everything, doing as in Ecuador they say the asshole, the disinterested, or the one who downplays what does not suit him and hurry what suits him, has been his way of governing, The cassation sentence in Correa's trial It was done in three days, while the trials of the Bucaram, their allies brought from Panama, central actors in the plot of the robbery and surcharges to the IESS, during the pandemic, the trial is waiting on its way to oblivion. And everything moves like this. I have seen workers dismissed unconstitutionally by decree 813, protesting in front of the Constitutional Court for days sleeping on the sidewalk, and hitting plastic tanks, but using the delay, slowness and finally the false promise in the verdict they were exhausted and defeated today.

Bribes were used left and right, embassies, scholarships, cards for the disabled, ministries, headquarters, were exchanged for votes, sentences, tricks to persecute the opposition, feast on public goods and services, and even debt or international loans and government loans.

But defamation and political persecution became the center of his administration, as it has been the mechanism to blame Correa and the previous government, for the personal incapacity and the Moreno government. Since 2006, the right and the media have blamed Correa for everything, but in the Moreno government, they tried to demonstrate this, which finally left the doubt of who was really incapable, since the current government could not overcome successfully.

His allies and advisers, including the embassy of the Donald Trump government, supported all kinds of people who came to occupy from Ministries, such as María Paula Romo, or General Oswaldo Jarrín, the Minister of Defense, to members of the CIPCCS, to the prosecutor Diana Salazar, or journalists like the so-called 4 Pelagatos, to end Correa and correismo, but the pandemic, the economy, and the saturation of the media worked against it.

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