viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2020

Andrés Araúz and the return of UNASUR, what most displeases Moreno, Pomopeo, Trump

 One of the most accurate blows by Donald Trumpo and Mike Pompeo in South America was the destruction of UNASUR, the Union of South American Nations. The then presidents who joined Moreno and Vizcarra for this were Macri. Piñeras, Bolsonaro, Añez, the president of Paraguay who has already left, and Duque de Colombia. Then there were flirtations with the government of Donald Trump, which was a media government, where Trump, like Nero, was the star of the performance, whom the whole planet looks at, comments, criticizes. This was the way he felt adored by everyone, especially in his country.

Moreno, a disabled Ecuadorian with extraordinary capacities to lie, cheat, betray and arouse pity, which he calls solidarity, lent himself to be the toy of the US ambassador in Ecuador, who handled him as a puppet, in addition to controlling the army, through the defense minister Oswaldo Jarrín, the police through the government minister, María Paula Romo, and the president through his private secretary Juan Sebastián Roldán, who was given so many powers by Moreno himself that he became the president in the shadow, these last two members of Ruptura 25, the political party of the San Francisco de Quito University, the most expensive in the country, where the professors are mostly PhD graduates in the USA.

Moreno's move, in addition to separating Ecuador from UNASUR, was that he gave his headquarters in the Middle of the World to CONAIE, so that they could build an indigenous university. But an indigenous university in addition to the building needs a budget and this was not provided, so until now it is like an abandoned building, which cost the country 60 million dollars.

The Provincial Council, which gave up the land for the construction of the UNASUR headquarters, now claims the land, because by changing the purpose of the building, the donation is canceled.

UNASUR, the Union of South American Nations was created with a glaring flaw in the way it handled itself, and it was that like the United Nations Security Council, which is the most useless body of the UN, makes decisions by consensus and enough that one of the members disagrees, so that everything stops.

Andrés Araúz has proposed within his government plan to restore UNASUR, for which he already has the support of Alberto Fernández from Argentina and Luis Arce from Bolivia. But this rebirth of UNASUR must start from other statutes, where decisions are taken by simple majority, without even considering half plus one, but the motion that has the most votes is the one that wins.

But the fundamental objective of destroying UNASUR was to destroy the SOUTH AMERICAN DEFENSE COUNCIL, which removed the armies of South America from the tutelage of the United States, through the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, TIAR, which allows it to act in any country of the region to stop the influence of any extra-continental power, especially Russia, and China.

UNASUR prevented the intervention of the United States and the national armies and police in the Bolivian protests against Evo Morales and the attempted coup by the police on September 30 in Ecuador, but also mediated the impasse between Ecuador and Colombia by the invasion of the Colombian army into Ecuadorian territory in Angostura to kill Reyes, the second in command of the FARC and in the fumigations on the border with glyphosate to exterminate the coca plantations that affected food farmers in Ecuador due to the dragging that it was in pesticide wind. The president of Colombia and Chávez, the president of Venezuela, also intervened in the impasse between Uribe, who mobilized their armies for an armed confrontation. All these actions against the governments of the so-called socialism of the XXI century, promoted by the embassies of the United States, both in the times of Bush and those of Obama.

The fact that Bolivia legally cultivated coca in the government of Evo Morales was an excuse for the United States, which has been in a drug war in Latin America since the 1980s, especially in the Andean countries of South America, where it is a traditional crop. And coca has sacred connotations in medicine and aboriginal cultures, but it is the favorite drug of North Americans, who pay for it more than others, despite being less dangerous than opiates, which is the drug that kills North Americans the most and they invented it, as well as, it is produced in the most important pharmaceutical laboratories in that country, as a legal medicine under medical prescription, which has permits to create addicts, under the image of pain therapy.

It is precisely the war on drug trafficking that has allowed the United States to have two military bases in Ecuador, since Moreno came to power, and from there he controls the Ecuadorian army and the police, which are the ones that support the worst government in history recent country.

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