miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2020

Finally the end of Martin Vizcarra the pawn of Trump and Pompeo to destroy UNASUR

 COMPLEMENTARY ANALYSIS: Martín Vizcarra, together with Lenín Moreno, Piñeras, Bolsonaro, Duque and Macri, were the architects of the destruction of the UNION OF SOUTH AMERICAN NATIONS. UNASUR and the creation of the Lima Group, a cartel of neoliberal presidents, who on behalf of the inhabitants of their countries, bypassing any popular consultation or consultation with their peoples, united to attack Venezuela, Cuba and NIcaragua, through PROSUR, Mike Pompeo's organization that brings together the right-wing presidents of South America, to tighten the neck of Nicolás Maduro, along with Donald Trump, who owed his Florida voters, an invasion of Venezuela, also suffocating Cuba and Nicaragua, as he They gave their victory and wanted another one this year, thanks to those voters, who fanatically hate Fidel, Chávez, Ortega or Maduro.

This fateful character for Peru, who badly faced the pandemic, Vizcarra, and who leaves a country submerged in the worst economic, health and political collapse in its recent history, is just an opportunist who instead of quickly calling elections once Pedro Pablo Kusinski, resigned due to pressure from the Peruvian Congress and then, when he. Congress wanted to remove him, he went to the army to proclaim himself a pseudo dictator, until the next elections in 2021.

Peru, the country of looting in South America, since the Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro arrived to conquer the Empire of the Incas, has not been able to stop being that. A country that provides raw materials and cheap labor, very poorly paid, and that forces most of its population to do informal jobs, on their own account to survive.

It is precisely this overabundance of informal workers that makes Peru the country with the most fatalities in the world from the pandemic,

 What seemed an astonishing economic growth for several years, before this crisis, was actually a facade, behind which the misery since colonial times is hidden everywhere.

Today and despite the US military bases in that country, it is a narco state, the second largest producer of cocaine in the world, and the laundering of dollars in that country finances parties or electoral campaigns.

  They are immersed in bad governments since the day of their independence and these bad governments distract the people with a sick patriotism, or wars until the 20th century and with scandals throughout the 21st century, so much so that they have already had 6 governments in a row, that They cannot show their clean hands, neither during nor after their terms, with 3 governments in the last 4 years.

Governing Peru seems impossible today. But it is very likely that a president, with a tendency towards 21st century socialism or rather Latin American socialism, will be the one who raises the head of that great and rich country, which for 500 years has become a land of suffering for millions of indigenous people, mestizos and blacks and happiness for white-creoles, those who can get rich, or hide in Miami, like Jaime Bayly, the vain Peruvian political commentator on the extreme right, who wants to stick his nose and delicate princess hands, in the Ecuador elections.

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