sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2020

Andrés Araúz between the difficult return to the Citizen Revolution and the path to the Revolution of Internet users and people

 Andrés Araúz between the difficult return to the Citizen Revolution and the path to the Revolution of Internet users and people


Citizens were the social engine of change in Greece, where the first citizens' revolution took place, in Athens, then they were in Rome, where they went from being citizens at the mercy of proconsuls appointed by the senate, to being citizens at the mercy of emperors .

After the fall of the Roman Empire, the citizens disappeared and were replaced by the faithful Catholic believers and subjects of each king of Europe, and in the rest of the planet by subjects of other kings or believers of other religions.

This lasted until the Independence of the United States, in which the word citizen is retaken, to call people who refused to be subjects of the King of England. Later in the French Revolution, those who refuse to be subjects of the King of France also called themselves citizens.

But since the October Revolution in Russia, it has been replaced in the non-capitalist countries, which sought their colonial liberation, or from the Nazi occupation forces, as comrades, since the term citizen was what the capitalists of the West were called.

When the Soviet Union disappeared, on December 3, 1991, the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States were created, the term citizen was once again the way the inhabitants of the former USSR and the countries of Europe were called. of East.

In 2006, after the Outlaw Revolt, which removed the president of Ecuador, Colonel Lucio Gutiérrez, Rafael Correa, and Lenin Moreno, the candidates of the Alianza País Movement, called Citizen Revolution their process of change.

This process of change began with elections in which Alianza País only had candidates for the presidency and vice-presidency and had no candidates for the then National Congress.

After winning the elections, they called for a National Constituent Assembly. Correa sent the elected deputies home and the election of the new assembly members was made, who would draft a new constitution, the 46th in the country, in 186 years of republican life.

The Assembly members met in a town called Montecristi in the Manabí Province, between the cities of Manta and Portoviejo, where Eloy Alfaro was born, a hero of the Liberal Revolution that inspired them after his triumph in 1895, and led him to the presidency for two periods, until in 1912, after losing the traitor general Leonidas Plaza to his former subordinate general, in the Battle of Huigra, he was taken prisoner and burned in the park of El Ejido in Quito, by a crowd that encouraged the Catholic Church, which lost many of its large estates and control of the state through the so-called Concordato, by the daily newspaper El Comercio de los Mantilla, the rich businessmen of the press, cinemas, theaters and Banco del Pichincha.

With the New Constitution of 2008, approved by popular vote, which aroused the angry opposition, again, from the Catholic Church, which called it an abortion constitution, from the right, which called it a statist constitution, and from the United States, since it prohibited it have military bases in Ecuador and took them out of the Manta Base.

Since 2008, Rafael Correa, adopted some of the initiatives of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela, but gave it a particular nuance, in that in an accelerated way he tried to develop an educational, sanitary, road, energy, communication infrastructure, with roads, hydroelectric plants and multipurpose for irrigation, electricity, flood control, especially on the coast, concrete roads, with signage and all the highest standards, bridges. The hydroelectric plants transformed the country from an energy-deficient country, which had to hire generating barges in the summer and in droughts, at expensive prices, which benefited the Guayaquil oligarchy, to being an exporter of electricity to Colombia, Peru and even Chile, which is now the second category among state exports.

Emblematic universities were created to revolutionize university education, millennium and 21st century schools, with an international baccalaureate, which had from the internet, to laboratories, more sports fields, in remote parts of the Amazon, high performance centers, ports, airports, a of the best Internet, health, and security networks, or 911, on the continent, all of which led to economic growth, based on the so-called boom in jobs, and public investment. like during the time of Delano Roosevelt and after the war with Eisenhower in the USA.This has been possible thanks to the fact that he also managed to take over the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation, imposed a prosecutor who is at his command called Diana Salazar, who covers him up, so that the so-called INAPAPERS, which are documents that prove that Moreno has and had investments in tax havens in Panama and Belize, which prevented him from being president, but also, the origin of that money is from bribes to the Chinese company Sinohydro, which built the largest hydroelectric plant in Ecuador, called Coca Codo Sinclair, at the time when the vice president and since then already betrayed Correa.

Today Rafael Correa and his collaborators have sentences and prison orders, which Interpol does not recognize, as they are the product of shady procedures, questioned prosecutors and judges, of questionable behavior, among which there are those who were bribed with disability cards, so that they can evade taxes, or importing luxury cars, whose sentences are in doubt, for having a political character and personal revenge for Moreno, rather than justice.

But this process of betrayal and change in political orientation was possible because in the Alianza País movement, under the leadership of Doris Solís, first and Gustavo Baroja, now, a morality of traitors, liars, opportunists and hypocrites was incubated, which arrived to occupy the National Assembly. Of 75 assembly members of this party who won the elections, out of a total of 136 that make up the National Assembly where they were the majority, 50 assembly members of Alianza País, betrayed Correa, and Jorge Glas, joined the right, Pachakutik, MPD, and But that was how we became Donald Trump's back country and military base again. In favor of Correa, there were only 25 left.

The betrayal of Alianza País was possible because the concept of a citizen, a person with equal duties and rights, also included that he had to be submissive to the president in office, who takes away or gives him that right. This is the Achilles Heel of what it means to be a citizen in the world, since citizens are human beings at the mercy and whim of the presidents and governments of the day, who use elections to make the people believe that it is not like that and that Presidents are at the service of their constituents, the great lie.

 These governments can be tolerant of something for a time and intolerant later, as we see it with migration in the United States.

We are facing a technological revolution, and it is now technological revolutions, rather than armed revolutions, military revolutions, or social revolutions, that generate the great changes. This was precisely the reason for the end of the Soviet Union, which could not keep up with the United States and fundamentally for this reason it lost the so-called Cold War.

The Internet created a new human being, who now studies, works, communicates, travels, discovers and invents online.

This new human being or Internet user, is what can be called a person, that is, someone with personality, with the ability to decide almost everything, and little by little everything.

This exercise of constantly deciding for yourself and not waiting for others to decide for you is called personality, and the origin of people.

Ecuador, and the world is now experiencing the revolution of the people, who because of the pandemic and the Internet, make decisions in another way, it is no longer motivated by the euphoria of a crowd, which is delirious in front of a candidate.

 Decisions now come from an enormous amount of information, which comes to us in a thousand ways, sometimes as a joke, an Internet meme. a news, a talk, an analysis, etcetera, etc.

 Now we no longer live the times when the people had a big heart, to forgive everything and a small memory to forget the atrocities that were done to them. Memory is no longer in the brain of the inhabitants of a country, it was for centuries in books, which is how countries developed and achieved superiority, but now, it is on the Internet.

The human being, who is no longer a citizen, is an Internet user, an individual who can cross borders, languages, religions, cultures, in a virtual way, although in a real way it seems difficult, due to the walls and barriers between countries that still persist.

Pretending to return to the past is in itself impossible for Araúz, Correa or anyone from the old party, rightist or leftist. That's like pretending to be young again. Time is still something irreversible. Maybe and according to the theories of physics, if the human being can travel faster than light, time could go in reverse, but for now, that on Planet Earth, seems impossible.

Araúz and Correa face another world, in which the pandemic, the global economic crisis, science and technology have put us in another situation, which still, like the covid 19 virus, surprises us, amazes us, baffles us , so it is unpredictable

So the proposal must be to move from the Ecuadorian Citizen Revolution, which was started by Correa, to the Revolution of people and Internet users, which can turn us into something different.

To begin with, Earth is no longer the planet of the Americans, or European empires, it is now the planet that we must share with other species, which today, unlike the past, must protect, because they are our security in the future, because our guilt is dying out, and their extinction or change of habitat as occurs with bats is very dangerous for us. because they do not bring viruses, bacteria and even parasites that may not be serious in them, but they kill us.

 Also because of our fault that the climate is changing, languages, cultures, domesticated species disappear.

Now we are other human beings, we see and do what our parents could never see, know, know, understand, even less do.

We are no longer Ecuadorians who in 2006 did not know how to use a cell phone, a computer, the Internet, electronic commerce, satellite communications, GPS, and so many new things that drive us crazy, surprise or amaze us every day.

It is a mistake to pretend to go back to the past, after what we saw and lived. In the past, although the Ecuadorian Citizen Revolution gave us great achievements, it also formed the worst of us Ecuadorians, these politicians even became the highest representatives of that party, and were formed and indoctrinated, trained, chosen by the leadership of the Alliance. Country, the original party and manager of the Citizen Revolution, to be the traitors, liars, cowards, rogues, opportunists, sell countries that represent and govern us.

When Christ was asked how barley can be differentiated from tares, which are almost identical, he answered by their fruits you will recognize them. Lenin Moreno, the 50 assembly members, who from Alianza País, the mayors, prefects, councilors, councilors and senior officials of the Moreno government, who were members of Alianza País and betrayed us, are the fruit that allows us to understand that the Citizen Revolution was an economic success, and an infrastructure, but a failure in most of the human beings who formed, created and chose to govern us.

It is clear to all of us that we were not all the traitors, liars from Alianza País. opportunists or acquaintances who even distributed and robbed us of medicines, tests, equipment in the pandemic, but those of us who were in that party, where Correa could not know or recognize us, because we were the euphoric crowd, and not the henchmen, Ladinos, nor the smooth-talking that dazzled him, we were able to understand that the Citizen Revolution had in Alianza País, the germ of its self-destruction, as part of its own essence, that germ was pretending to form equal human beings, but at the same unequal, who they lived delirium for not being like the rest, like that euphoric crowd.

  The people should have the same ideals, language, history, traditions, culture, school uniforms, uniforms in offices, hospitals, barracks, we all celebrated the triumphs of the soccer team, or of our athletes and most importantly, equal rights and equal duties, which are given to us by the president on duty, and we had to resign ourselves when this happened, because rights were the gifts of good or bad government, and a gift horse does not look at the tooth, but to those close to those close and that they did not feel like a people, the Citizen Revolution opened their guts and made them lose all scruples, that was the way not to be equal.

 It is that a citizen does not really have his own rights, but rather those provided by the government or the authority, which at its whim can decide to whom it gives them, or takes them away, as a minister is given or removed from office.

Of course, the citizens are those who are willing to die for the Homeland, and for the current ruler when it occurred to him to declare a war, take an economic measure, make us believe a lie, allow military bases in this country, or be part of wars that are convenient for you and that are not ours.

We hope that thanks to technology, Ecuador will become a country of frequent consultations and voting by cell phone, which will force us to decide on everything that concerns us, both privately and publicly. That the Assemblymen only propose some laws like the president or the citizens, but that neither they nor the president approve them, that each year the people, in a frequent election by cell phone vote, approve them, that the president and all the popular election authorities last two years and can be re-elected up to 5 times, if it has an acceptance that exceeds 50%. so that in odd years the national authorities and national laws are chosen and in odd years the authorities.

of popular election last two years and can be re-elected up to 5 times, if it has an acceptance that exceeds 50%. so that in odd years the national authorities and national laws are elected and in odd years the local and sectional authorities and laws. The authorities, from the teacher to the rural doctor, must be chosen by the communities, to make the election a frequent exercise, other than the official who decides who stays and who leaves a school, health unit, or public office, and even as in the United States, that common people decide who is or is not guilty of a crime.

The training of people must be done from the school where the teacher is the person who helps each student to find and develop their qualities, not to obey or repeat something from memory, and trains each student and each parent in the habit of choosing in a conscious, reasoned way, recognizing each candidate, each motive and each objective of a law, each of their qualities and the qualities of other people, their rights, their duties. In other words, where the right to choose in everything is a possibility, a reality and a practice.

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