viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2020

The encouragement and awareness that Andrés Araúz from Bolivia, Evo Morales, and Luis Arce received


COMPLEMENTARY ANALYSIS. Andrés Araúz felt the heart of the Andes in Bolivia, during the change of government in which, with Luis Arce, the MAS returned to the Burned Palace of Peace.

Araúz, the candidate that Rafael Correa supports and that is why he is the favorite at the time the electoral campaign starts, but like the other candidates for all dignities in the next elections they face the worst moment in Ecuador's recent history , which is probably much more difficult than that of Bolivia because it has been in decline for more than three and a half years with President Lenín Moreno and what is considered the worst government in the last century plus the fact of being a dollarized and oil country in the times when oil has such instability that its price is already out of all control and perspective.

At this moment, Ecuador is dragged by all Latin American countries, into a crisis that is considered the worst in its history. There are such accelerated changes that are taking place, that what is lived, is what Venezuela lived, but the worst thing is that all Latin Americans do not have as Venezuelans, another neighboring country that welcomes us, but we have to cross barriers such as the Trump wall. or the lack of flights to Europe, the refusal of visas in developed countries to receive us and an economic collapse that prevents us from everything, from leaving the house, to paying for basic services.

It is a drama of unimaginable proportions, which makes the stability of the presidents in Latin America very precarious, as we are now seeing in Peru, from where we can already see the fate that the presidents who are handling the situation in their countries badly.

There are countries like Uruguay that surprise the world and countries like Ecuador, Peru or Brazil that scare. In Colombia that things go from bad to worse, as in Venezuela, or even in Argentina is to be expected, since they are countries that carry a drama since before the pandemic.

This leads us to seriously consider the possibility that in the face of the resounding failure of neoliberalism, which replaced 21st century socialism, in countries such as Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina, and that in those countries it had disastrous effects, and in others where it has had history and a long way with this economic doctrine, and that it seemed that the right would be eternal, like Perú, Chile, Colombia that have never touched SXXI socialism, and had growth, stability, solutions, but now they are collapsing resoundingly, the things make us think that there is a real integration path that emerged from UNASUR, the Union of Latin American Nations, which the eyes of this region see again before the sounded failure during the pandemic of its antithesis, PROSUR.

The winds of change for Latin America now come from Bolivia, where the indigenous people are very clear about the way forward, which is to protect Mother Earth or Pacha Mama, and protect their culture, and that is more important than growing and growing indefinitely. until it became a country enemy of nature such as the countries with the highest growth and development such as the United States, or the European countries, Oceania and Asia.

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