domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2020

After the defeat of Donald Trump in the US elections, the Latin American right has to recalibrate its political weapons

COMPLEMENTARY ANALYSIS: After the defeat of Donald Trump in the US elections, the Latin American right has to recalibrate its political weapons, which were nurtured by the vain American billionaire in the White House.

In some governments like that of Lenin Moreno, it is a question of saving one's skin in the first place, since prison is looming, and for his closest collaborators the prospects are not good either.
Given this, what they want is to win the National Assembly, since the elections are almost lost to Rafael Correa's candidate, Andrés Araúz.
Araúz's proposals, his government plan or whatever he proposes, are important due to the fact that he can return to the country the growth that it experienced in the Rafael Correa government, which is not easy but not impossible, since Ecuador has wealth natural, population and geo-ecological conditions are very favorable at this time, but there is a terrible global scenario.
Being the one chosen by Correa for president, given the legal impossibility of being president, for ex-leader of the Citizen Revolution, who, having been a candidate, did not even need to come to the country to campaign. since for more than two years he has been the undisputed favorite for the presidency and with the pandemic, the need for his leadership at the head of Ecuador seems indispensable.
Araúz, whom Correa considers the most indicated, after having sinned, we recommend Lenin Moreno, to continue the process of the so-called Citizen Revolution, is now the favorite, for the simple fact of being opposition to Moreno, Donald Trump, and the hated partycracy, which has undone this country during the last century, reducing from its territory to its options for progress.
In a previous talk we told you the 25 main problems that aspiring president has to face, but now we have to visualize 3 of them:
1. The economic crisis in which Ecuador together with Venezuela and Argentina have the darkest prospects in Latin America. In our case, it is due to the mismanagement of dollarization, external indebtedness, job creation and public investment, which are among other factors that reveal the physical, psychological and moral incapacity of Lenin Moreno and his advisers. , ministers, officials, accomplices, accessories, allies like the Bucaram and other nauseating people, who are on a lower level than rodents with bubonic plague, and who turned the whole country into their loot.
2. The second great problem that this failed government leaves us is the problem of moral crisis. This moral crisis has as its starting point betrayal, the blatant use of lies, and the public, seized and private media, which created in us the vision of the country as corrupt since 2006, when Correa came to the power and they made us believe that Moreno's government was the one that would change everything, but in the end, what happened is that it uncovered the rot that was already effectively engendered in the Alianza País Movement, since 2006, and that was characterized by the Compadrazgo and cronyism within the party and that with Correa's departure, he became an unstoppable cancer, which now eats away at the health, lives, and future of Ecuadorians, but that cancer actually originated in the owners from the media, the banks, the importers that give credits, the swallow capital, which comes for a short time, foreign investment such as drug trafficking, fast return investment, and from the colony of landowners, who had positioned possible candidates in Alianza País and then managed to turn them into angry infiltrators, traitors and add them to the assembly members of their parties, who shamelessly distributed everything, from hospitals to disabled cards.
The most difficult thing for list 1 of Correa's candidates, with Araúz and Rabascall at the helm, is to win the National Assembly, and it would be the worst thing that could happen to them, because on the bus of list 1 there is not the best of the Ecuadorians.
If Araúz wins in the National Assembly, he has two options, the first is to change Moreno's laws and correct the bad of the 2008 constitution and Moreno's laws, which caused this crisis, through constitutional reforms that are a mechanism through which the opsicon can wage a war of attrition against Araúz. . But if the candidates from List 1 for Assemblymen lose, Araúz has two options left, or he governs with the opposition to Correa, which can easily lead him to betrayal, or through CROSSED DEATH, summon a National Constituent Assembly in the that Correa would participate directly as an assemblyman and lead it, thus opening the possibility of great changes. In 2006 Correa's success was that he presented himself without candidates to Congress and with the proposal of a Constituent Assembly,

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