jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2020

How covid 19 accelerates the end of the last white-Christian empire in the West: the United States of America.

 COMPLEMENTARY ANALYSIS: The pandemic produced by the virus called covid 19 or covid SARS 2, has produced a health crisis, which in the United States, Europe and Latin America has been of greater proportions.

As in other transcendental moments in human history, in which plagues have played a fundamental role, in 2020 this plague produced by an unknown virus, which is transmitted in an alarming way, because there is a large human population that has invaded wild areas , concentrated mainly in cities, and in that population there is overcrowding or close proximity, due to the urban arrangement of the cities, a new poverty. in which the lack of stable accommodation, access to basic services, overcrowding in means of transport, places or public meetings, the senile population, and a large obese or sedentary population, with previous illnesses, are the most affected.

 But the terrible thing is the suffering that it causes, the difficult recovery and the possibility of dying, because in these times we have all had some death among relatives, friends or acquaintances, to this we must add that it does not happen, but can reappear. which makes it scarier.

The pandemic has caused an economic impact and in social psychology, in human behavior, which given globalization, is extraordinary. has affected human mobility in the first place at a time in history when human mobility reaches outside the planet, the non-circulation of people, vehicles, airplanes, has been so forceful, that it has generated a change in contact and human relations, in the way of working, studying, communicating, where the Internet and global or satellite communications are the most important novelty. But also this together has produced changes in the form of accumulation and distribution of wealth, with a huge concentration of it in few people, companies and countries, in the face of a galloping growth of poverty, which is no longer just real or critical poverty , and now it is multiplied by comparative poverty, or the need to buy and have what someone else has, and camouflaged poverty, or false wealth, which is the poverty that emerges from the debtors.

As a result of this health and economic crisis, we have entered a major political and social crisis. The United States faces Iran, China, Russia, North Korea, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Islamic State, Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and the populations of Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and all of Latin America that they want to invade, and to which poor people from all over the world join.

Until now it has the support of Europe, and NATO, fundamentally, but Europe is also badly hit by the pandemic and is experiencing the first part of its dissolution with the separation of England.

We are facing the last years of the largest and most powerful empire, white, Christian in the West, which emerged from the institutionalization and subsequent questioning of white racism, Protestant Christian religions, xenophobia, that is, hatred for the country of origin and the aprorobophy, hatred of the poor, and people of poor countries.

The covid pandemic has done the same as the pandemics that destroyed the Inca, Aztec, Byzantine, Egyptian, and many more.

Plagues, wars and technology are the elements that helped to form the great empires and at the same time are the key to understanding their end.

The pandemic, unlike war, affects exclusively human beings, that is, their present, the war, its structure, infrastructure and superstructure, that is, its past and what was done, and technology to the way of seeing the future.

The pandemic and technology are the ports of entry for this global collapse and the end of the North American Empire. The funny thing is that the technology that is the knife with which the United States changed the world order in the 20th century, is now the knife that kills it. because it allows all human beings to see and know us, to realize, understand, and become aware of why the difference between a North American and a Latino, or an African is so great and at the same time see that North Americans are as vulnerable as any other human and even more, in this health crisis. They are no longer superheroes, nor superior humans.

The complicated thing about this and other pandemics that have ended empires, such as the smallpox that ended the Aztecs, the measles that ended the Incas, or the bubonic that ended the Byzantines, is that when an empire like Spain falls, England, o The United States there is a commotion that alters the order of humanity. This alteration can trigger endless wars, such as the wars of independence, which have been fought so far, for example in Colombia, in which it was first against Spain and now it is against the USA and its puppet governments, or the world wars that continue with less intensity.

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