miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2020

Ecuador faced with a new order that has arrived and surprises the candidates of the next elections in February 2021

 For Ecuador and the Ecuadorians, the new order has already arrived and the candidates are lost, bewildered, to the point that they all consider themselves soothsayers and all powerful, that they can face it without even blinking an eye.

This new order starts from a new physical space or territory, and its necessary use. Ecuador is now 5 times bigger and its largest surface is now in the Pacific Ocean, and none of the candidates has thought and talked about what they are going to do with this enormous surface of water, at a time when the Pacific It became the most important place on earth due to the presence of giant marine currents that determine the climate, due to its enormous surface area and wealth that is now used industrially, with serious damage to marine fauna, and that is the commercial route of most important cargo in the world, which is why the Post-Pacific Treaty, which has been signed by countries in Asia, Oceania and America, with China at the head. is decisive in the world economy,

They also do not know what the Andes and the Amazon Rainforest have and mean, where glaciers and forests are disappearing, as part of the tremendous extinction that the region is experiencing, where 94 percent of the original fauna and flora have been lost, since 1970 to date according to WWF. and where the major changes in roads, electrification, internet and telecommunications, health, educational, energy, irrigation, security infrastructure, etc. They changed the relationship with time, distances, speed, due to great changes in communications, or transportation, which have changed our perception of time, distance, and even the meaning, meaning and value of words, of the images. Well, cell phones, the internet changed human communication, like satellite television, changing our needs, our way of learning, working, knowing ourselves, valuing ourselves, understanding.

The knowledge, like the concentration of wealth and power, had a distribution mechanism among the population. it is completely altered, books are a thing of the past, now knowledge is distributed the same moment it is born, it does not arrive processed in books, conferences, classes, it arrives as news.

The memory is no longer in the human head, it is on the internet and this hits the candidates. For centuries, from the kings to any president of the parochial board, they trusted that the mistakes made in the past would be lost in the fog of days, today that is not possible, the people remind the candidate until his childhood.

Among the candidates for president, vice president or assembly members, the awareness of this situation is poorer when they are farther away from Rafael Correa, because he opened the way for these great changes, but the pandemic accelerated everything, so much that there is no one perspective, not even a close view of the destiny that is presented to us.

This new vision is going to translate into votes or protests in the coming years or months, and these events have the particularity that they will be transcendent, as they are now in Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Guatemala, where changes are unstoppable,

The change of government in the United States, and the impact of the pandemic in that country, in Europe, and the ordeal that Latin America has become, is something that cannot be alien to the candidates' discourse, since we are under the yoke of Donald Trump and Lenin Moreno, until January of next year and these two leaders are the catalysts for the processes that are coming, which are processes to reverse the damage they caused in the United States, Latin America and Ecuador.

But undoubtedly, the most decisive factor is poverty, which now has three dimensions, real poverty, where you do not eat and envy, comparative poverty, where you do not rest, and hate yourself, or the false wealth that is indebtedness, where you do not sleep and fear. This is changing the minds of people of all ages and their psychosocial behavior, which is now more unpredictable, than it was in 2017, when the Lenin Moreno government began and we had very unpleasant surprises.

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