sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2020

 COMPLEMETE ANALYSIS. Thanks to the pandemic Ecuador and the world has gotten rid of Donald Trump, the president who turned the South American country into the spoils of his political war, and in part of the so-called drug war, because thanks to this, he could have 2 military bases in the country, one in Galapagos and another in Manta, in addition to controlling the army and the police to hold in power, who is considered the worst president in the recent history of the country, Lenin Moreno, a disabled president who developed as a special capacity is use of lies, pity and betrayal as political tools, which led him to the presidency in 2017. Thanks to this president with his allies and the work of the US ambassador in Ecuador, he managed to destroy UNASUR, the Union of South American Nations, the Council Sudamericano de Defensa, create PROSUR, a union of South American nations to harass Nicolás Maduro, the president of Venezuela and prevent the return of 21st century socialism to the countries s Americans, but after temporary triumphs with Macri and Añez, it has failed in countries like Argentina and Bolivia.

Trump, a billionaire president, who in 4 years at the head of the United States government, showed his favorite sin, which is also the devil's favorite sin, vanity, and he did it without the slightest shame or shame, until he became the North American Nero, who set the USA on fire with racism, and the world, demolishing the relations or agreements that that country had built over 250 years of history.

Among the ways of setting the world on fire was the threat of a nuclear war with North Korea and the war with China, within relations with Asia, the wall with Mexico and the migratory war against Latin Americans in America, the breaking of agreements with Iran, the wars that ended in defeat but did not start, with Afghanistan and Syria, or the endless war in Iraq. the assassination of the main Iranian general, Soleimani, which now moves that country to ally itself with the renegade countries of Latin America, which detest Trump such as Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, to which Bolivia will join and soon others such as Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico or possibly Peru, Chile and even Brazil.

Tump's shameless and criminal interventionism in Latin America, recognizing presidents who did not participate, nor did they win elections for president, such as Guaidó or Añez, which he supported, after he self-elected after a coup by the military and the OAS, or the removal of Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian embassy in London, using the police and the British Government, with the consent of the traitorous President Lenin Moreno, who came to power pretending to be a friend and the continuation of Rafael Correa.

But even within the United States, using Twitter to lie to Americans and the world every day, using human beings in the service of the White House, as he pleased, even his advisers, or using to his family to his friends. Prioritizing conveniently over the correct ones, obstructing the law during impeachment or impeachment, hiding his qualifications, paying taxes, his past, were part of a show, in which Trump for four years became the star president of the means and will be until the last day of mandate or possibly until the last breath of his extraordinary and fraudulent existence plagued with traps, deceptions, lies.

Finally, a lot is never enough, the phrase that he had on the tip of his tongue and that motivated his sister's book, in which he shows them as a malevolent mind, I could only stop being president thanks to the pandemic, to the 250,000 dead, to the millions of infected, to the millions of impoverished, to the thousands of journalists and brave opponents who faced it and to the millions of Americans who voted against it.

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