jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2020

Ecuador Elections: Why is Andrés Araúz the best candidate so far?

 COMPLEMENTARY ANALYSIS, Andrés Araúz is so far the best candidate, because he represents Rafael Correa and the most frontal and tenacious resistance to the government of Donald Trump and his puppets, which are Lenin Moreno at the head, M.P. Romo, O. Jarrin, Jaime Nebot, and Cynthia Viteri in the Municipality of Guayaquil, Guillermo Lasso among the bankers, Alvaro Noboa among the exporters, Abdalá Bucaram and his family among the smugglers and rogues of Guayaquil, who are a crowd, a We can call all these the COSTEÑA CLEPTOCRACIA, which is made up of those eager for quick profits, which is a culture on our coast and which includes drug traffickers, shrimp farmers, fishermen and fish exporters, among others.

While in the Sierra and the Amazon, the area of ​​greatest influence of the Catholic religion and other Christian cults, Trump's allies were businessmen led by Fidel Egas, the chambers, especially construction, flower exporters , those of the microenterprise that have the Quito Exhibition Center, and most of the professors, former professors, of the postgraduate universities and private universities, the leaders of the state unions such as those of the UNE, Petroecuador, and of all the public services and offices, but generally the students, and the employees, on the contrary, are correistas or anti-Moreno and anti-neoliberals. In the Amazon the worst enemy of the correistas are the indigenous leaders and many of the platudo settlers, who are united by hatred for their antipathy to Correa, being enemies among them every day. In addition, almost all the fanatics of any religion starting with the Catholics "hit the crop", conversely, the non-fanatical believers or frequent visitors to the temples are correistas.

Araúz is the candidate chosen by Correa, to defeat the allies of Trump and Moreno, 'because Correa believes in youth, because because of his age, they have cleaner hands, the most ardent hearts and the most lucid minds. but youth in human history has not meant a better ruler, Caligula was emperor at age 19 and was one of the worst Roman emperors. He is an economist, but being an economist does not mean that he will be a good ruler, we have had economists in the finance ministries and Dahik in the vice presidency and they were a disaster.

I think he has better answers and solutions for the following problems:

1. How to reduce or end the debts of all Ecuadorians for water, electricity, insurance, taxes, permits, licenses and more income from public entities, which now suffocate Ecuadorians ?.

2. How to reduce or end debt with banks, warehouses, credit cards or financial overexploitation?

3. How to reduce or end the debts with the IESS, sectional governments and other state entities ?.

5.- How to reduce or end the foreign debt. and international indebtedness or international financial over-exploitation?

6. How to improve the prices of raw materials. How to be exporters only of finished products for consumption or use of good quality and good prices?

7. How to create self-sufficiency in everything and retain the best for ourselves?

8. How to avoid capital flight and swallow capital, or short-term investments?

9. How to stop international aid that brings indoctrination and submission, such as USAID and, above all, European cooperation?

10. How to avoid the looting of non-renewable natural resources such as the export of fish, wood, minerals and other goods for gathering, hunting and fishing?

11. How to avoid bad wages and unemployment at the same time?

12. How to generate employment with public works and first jobs in state and international institutions, for young people and recent graduates?

13. How to channel private investment?

14. How do you restore confidence in the State and reduce public and private corruption?

15 How to avoid all kinds of opportunism, especially in government management?

16. How to stop the theft culture?

17 How to stop the culture of violence against women and against the poor, ethnic groups and nationalities, different people or people with physical and mental problems?

18 How to detect and stop fast and unscrupulous profit?

19. How to detect and stop lies in everything, especially in the media and governments?

20. How to detect and stop treason, especially politics?

21 How to detect and stop injustice?

22. How to detect and stop social, environmental, and cultural insecurity?

23 How to detect and stop useless or harmful education?

24 How to detect, stop and solve health problems in time?

25 How to eliminate the threat to the stability of the army, the police and the government of the USA?

 These are the most important problems for the next ruler

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