miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2020

Today does the interventionism of the United States and Donald Trump end in Latin America and Ecuador?

 COMPLEMENTARY ANALYSIS The government of Donald Trump and the dirty hands of his secretary of state Mike Pompeo, is present every day until today, November 4, 2020, a day after the US elections, in which the winner is still not known.

Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo made rude interventions in Latin America, violating even the Constitution of Ecuador in its article 4, with the return of the North American soldiers to military bases in Manta and Galapagos and the reintroduction of Ecuador in the War on Narco-terrorism, that allows him to have control of the police, army and justice of Ecuador, he also did it in a similar way in Colombia and Peru.

Another rude intervention was in the elections in Argentina and Brazil, through Cambridge Analítica, the British company that helped him win that bombed the networks to give victory to Macri in Argentina, Bolsonaro in Brazil and in the voting in the popular consultation in Ecuador In 2017, Jaime Durán Barba, the person who led the Macri, Guillermo Lasso, and consultation campaigns in his country Ecuador, and who also has strong ties with the USA, has served candidates who have support from the American embassies.

But the blatant meddling in Latin American countries has been in Venezuela, where he recognized an individual who proclaimed himself president. Juan Guaidó, made a naval blockade, an economic blockade, an assassination attempt using a drone, and a frustrated armed invasion, electronic sabotage of power plants, blockade of state purchases to save lives, feed the population, even the threat of an armed invasion, to Venezuela, stopped by the Russian, Chinese and Iranian intervention, with an attempt of armed invasion of mercenaries. In Bolivia, it protected a coup d'état, using the OAS, and its secretary Luis Almagro who made fraud in the first elections in Bolivia, recognized a self-named president Jeanine Añez, has led to judicial persecution in Brazil of Lula, Cristina Fernández in Argentina , Evo Morales, but the persecution of Rafael Correa stands out, who has 35 trials, and a prison sentence for 8 years and the impossibility of being a candidate for any public office for 25 years.

Among the successful actions of Trump was the extermination of UNASUR and the South American Defense Council, which had its headquarters in Quito and was able to do so thanks to the neoliberal presidents who were grouped in the Lima Group, and in PROSUR, with Moreno as the most cunning.

It has been cruel to Cuba, and Nicaragua, which are waging a blockade war, are experiencing an economic drama as in Venezuela, which has even experienced a massive emigration, the largest in the history of South America.

Correa has been persecuted through justice, the electoral obstruction that prevented him from participating with his list 5 and as a candidate, which forced him to participate with another list, list 1, from the Democratic Center and a candidate who chose him and is called Andrés Araúz.

In Brazil, he prevented Lula from participating in the elections and put him in jail, also using justice.

But in Ecuador as in Bolivia, Trump and Pompeo with the US ambassador in this country, have created a political crisis, uniting the right, the rich, the media, the chambers, the private universities, the Andean University and the FLACSO, the indigenous Pachakutik party and the employees identified with the MPD, such as the UNE National Union of Educators, and all the center parties, but this generated an economic crisis prior to the pandemic, multiplied the impact of the pandemic through corruption in full emergency,

This interventionism allowed Lenin Moreno to continue as president, after 3 years of the worst credibility and sympathy, for a president in the country.

Ecuador is at the moment a country highly indebted to international organizations, a large private debt with banks that have interests of 16% in the middle of the pandemic, more motorcycles due to delays, and the worst, an entire country indebted to the state, because it cannot be paid electricity, water, insurance affiliations, or BIESS loans.

This predicts a new emigration crisis, due to massive bankruptcy and runaway unemployment, possible complications from a new wave of the pandemic or the arrival of the fearsome La Niña phenomenon with its fatal droughts.

Correa's proposal to change the productive matrix, to stop being exclusively agro-exporter, oil, fishing, shrimp or mining, through a redistribution of access to wealth, knowledge, information and power. The redistribution of power confronts the rich, the state unions, intransigent groups such as CONAIE

The return to what was the so-called Citizen Revolution, by Rafael Correa, is presented as the light at the end of the worst tunnel in Ecuador, for which it is almost certain victory for the presidency and vice-presidency.

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