miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2020

Why is the USA the country with the most dangerous president, elections and government in the world?

 COMPLEMENTARY ANALYSIS: United States, the country that concentrates the greatest military power in the world with the largest and most expensive army in the world, which has 700 military bases around the world, and alliances with the armies of other countries such as NATO or part of Latin America, TIAR. And so with many others, who have the most extraordinary mechanisms for the concentration of wealth, which is no longer just industrial production, international trade or the excessive exploitation of human beings and natural resources in their country and in the world, but that uses the technology of the economy of human intelligence, in patents, social networks, film, television, or the stock markets, to produce unlimited profits, and an imbalance so marked that within the United States, 50 people have more wealth than 160 million North Americans, this is 50% of the country's population. But also thanks to the cloud, the Internet, social networks, and ONLINE communication, it concentrates such a quantity of information that the life of any human being on the planet is registered and followed.

All this power, from the USA, plus the nuclear, chemical, cybernetic, aerospace, biological arsenal and its enormous capacity to make economic blockades, such as those it exercises against Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Iran, Korea, which affect the quality of The lives of millions of people, who are forced to migrate due to these prolonged economic wars, migration that in turn hits Europe, the United States and other more developed countries, creating the conditions conducive to social explosions such as those already experienced in the world.

In turn, this power is exercised on a planet with 6,000 million humans, who are currently experiencing a health crisis, which has been, for 8 months, almost 50 million infected, 1.5 million deaths, with a huge under-registration of people who die from complications of pre-existing diseases, health crisis, which also exposes child populations due to the delay or suspension of vaccination campaigns in the world, especially in countries that do not have money for vaccination campaigns, or to fight diseases communicable such as dengue in Latin America.

 In addition, it is that countries lose capital that escapes from rich countries, or from populations that migrate, causing a waste of decades of education, health, security and implementation of public services, in poor populations that remain or evolved to middle class and who now go to work for low wages in developed countries and take jobs away from populations in those countries, who no longer have a fertile population, with the ability to resist the slightest discomfort. so they are easily replaceable.

There is a health collapse within each country and an economic collapse, which generates waves of migration, shortages, migration in a world where borders are increasingly easy to circumvent, given changes in communications, transportation and inventions and sociability without borders.

But we are also experiencing economic wars, between countries that produce the same, such as Latin American countries, which are encouraged by industrialized countries, which want cheap raw materials, but these wars for low prices mean, over exploitation of natural resources and labor, which reduces purchasing power and markets in countries that are rapidly being impoverished by the pandemic. The fall of the markets in turn hits industrial countries, accelerates extinction, produces the growth of the agricultural, fishing, mining or oil frontier, which at the same time, since oil is cheap, increases its demand and consumption, which complicates climate change, which at this time has become one of the worst threats to life on the planet.

It is precisely this invasion of the human being of other ecosystems in continents and oceans, which is bringing us the new pests, they affect wild animals and their lives to human beings.

Latin America has become the main victim of the pandemic, as in times of the European conquest. In the region, the covid has extraordinary magnitudes, but it is not only mortality and morbidity, perhaps the most serious, it is the economic crisis, which is the worst recorded in the history of the so-called New World.

Donald Trump multiplied the damage with North American interventionism, recognizing presidents such as Guiado or Añez who nobody elected, practicing economic blockades such as in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, destroying organizations such as UNASUR and the South American Defense Council, attempting armed invasions, intervening in elections such as the that Bolsonaro or Macri won through Internet companies such as Cambridge Analítica that intervened in interpersonal communications over the Internet or with electronic wars.

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